Alternatives to High Blood Pressure Medicine
Noni juice is a Hawaiian alternative to high blood pressure medications. Drink Noni juice before meals and at resting time to lower blood pressure.
The Coleus plant contains an enzyme called forskolin, which dilates the blood vessels for a better flow of blood.
Olive leaves reduces the systolic and diastolic pressure and dilates the coronary arteries located around the heart.
An Asian mushroom called Reishi is an excellent alternative to blood pressure medication. Clinical trials showed that Reishi significantly lowered high blood pressure. However, it is hard to find, does have mild side effects, and could interact with anticoagulant medication.
Coenzyme Q10 reduces high blood pressure by manufacturing energy from food. The body produces CO Q10 naturally but aging slows the natural process. CO Q10 is emerging as a popular alternative to high blood pressure medications as well as other conditions.
Omega-3 fish oils are an approved alternative to high blood pressure medications by the American Heart Association and the Food and Drug Administration. It is still encouraged to eat seafood such as salmon and tuna as well as using Omega-3 fish oil as a supplement.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant as well as grape seed and pine bark extracts. These alternatives act as free radicals and scavenge the arteries and the heart muscles by cleaning them. This in turn reduces high blood pressure.
Alternative Methods
Acupuncture has been used for many years in the treatment of high blood pressure. Small needles injected into the skin at various pressure points will lower high blood pressure. An acupuncturist is necessary for this treatment.
By correctly breathing through the nose and not the mouth creates a balance of carbon dioxide levels in the blood and organs. This is considered the Buteyko Breathing Technique. A Russian professor named Dr. Buteyko originally developed this technique to treat asthma, emphysema and bronchitis but it showed evidence of lowering high blood pressure.
Of course, regular exercises, healthy eating, plenty of rest and reducing stress will always benefit the body and reduce high blood pressure. It is essential to change daily living habits in order to maintain a healthier body.