Herbal Medicines for High Blood Pressure
Hawthorn is popular among herbal therapists for use in treating circulatory problems. With time, hawthorn may be able to regulate high blood pressure by dilating the blood vessels and moderating heart rate. Make hawthorn tea by steeping one teaspoon of the dried flowers and berries in one cup of boiling water, strain and drink two to three times a day. Also available in tincture form, you can take 1 tsp. three times a day. Mix the tincture in 1/2 cup of water. Take two 500 mg. of capsule form three times a day to lower blood pressure readings. Though hawthorn is generally considered safe, don't take it for more than two weeks without notifying your physician.
Motherwort is an herb that has a calming effect and can help to lower high blood pressure readings. It is traditionally used in Chinese herbal medicine to lower and control high blood pressure. Motherwort is easily found in most health food and herbal stores. Take two to three droppers of the tincture once a day. Mix it into water or juice to make it more palatable. It is considered safe to take on an ongoing basis.
Garlic is an aromatic healer and works magic as a botanical medicine. Garlic contains sulfur compounds that not only fight cancer but foster cardiovascular health benefits. Regardless of whether you consume raw garlic, cooked garlic or use the powdered form, it all has the same blood pressure lowering effect. To get the full benefit of garlic, consume four to six 600 mg. capsules per day. Take these in divided doses for most benefit. To keep high blood pressure at bay, eat one clove of garlic per day, either raw or cooked.
Herbal medicines for high blood pressure offer an effective alternative to conventional medicine. If you continue to experience high blood pressure readings, consult with your physician for more treatment options.