Information on Toprol Medicine
Toprol can be prescribed in 25 mg tablets, 50 mg tablets or 100 mg tablets. Your dose of Toprol will depend on the severity of your condition. Whatever your dosage, take Toprol exactly as it was prescribed by your doctor. Do not skip your dose of Toprol, and do not double up on a dose if you forget to take a dose. Doubling up on your dose of Toprol can lead to overdose, a potentially fatal condition. Symptoms of overdose include racing or pounding heart rate, chest tightness or difficult breathing, feeling dizzy or lightheaded. Having fingernails that are blue is another symptom of Toprol overdose. It is important that you get emergency medical attention if you suspect you have taken too much Toprol.
Side Effects: Severe
Some side effects associated with Toprol are considered severe and require emergency help. If after taking your dose of Toprol you feel short of breath, or lightheaded/dizzy, seek help immediately. If you have experienced a heart rate that feels racing or pounding, or sudden ankle swelling, seek emergency help. Toprol may also cause a yellowing of the skin or eyes which requires emergency medical attention. It is less common, but Toprol may also cause dark urine or loss of appetite. Talk to your doctor right away if you experience any of these side effects.
Side Effects: Moderate
Taking Toprol can sometimes cause a reaction which is considered less severe and may require an adjustment of your medication. Consult your doctor if you experience a moderate side effect as a result of taking Toprol. Moderate side effects include feeling nauseous, vomiting or itchy or dry skin which may or may not include a rash. A decrease in sexual desire may also be a side effect of Toprol, and can lead to impotence or inability to achieve climax. Feeling tired is another side effect of Toprol, and may occur in as many as 10 percent of Toprol patients.
Some medications may cause an interaction with Toprol which can lead to serious illness or death. Do not take Toprol if you suffer from a condition known as slow heart rate or heart block, as fatal complications can ensue. Alcohol is another substance which can cause complications while taking Toprol, so be sure not to drink alcohol while taking this medication. If you are having a surgical procedure performed (even less severe surgeries such as dental surgery), be sure that the surgeon knows you are taking Toprol. Be sure to provide a full medical history with your doctor before taking Toprol.
If you are taking Toprol for high blood pressure, it is important that you continue to take your medication even if you do not feel sick. Sometimes high blood pressure does not have any symptoms, so you will not know you are sick even when you are. Continue to take Toprol even when you have no symptoms of illness, and only stop under supervision of your physician. Suddenly stopping your dosage of Toprol may lead to a heart attack.