Herbs to Control High Blood Pressure
Garlic is often referred to as a wonder drug because of its many healing powers. Controlling high blood pressure is perhaps the most widely known use of garlic. Because it contains the chemical allicin, which, according to Dr. R. C. Jain in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, reduces blood pressure, decreases cholesterol and reduces the risk of internal blood clots, garlic is a highly regarded herbal remedy. Although best when fresh and used in your daily cooking, garlic can also be taken in capsule form.
Although despised as a garden weed, dandelion is highly regarded as an herbal remedy. Doctors often prescribe diuretics to treat high blood pressure; dandelion is a natural diuretic. To use as a blood pressure lowering diuretic, dandelion should be consumed as a leaf infusion. To make a dandelion leaf infusion, use 1/2 oz. of dried leaves per cup of boiling water, and steep for 10 minutes. Drink up to three cups per day.
Hawthorn Berry
Best when used in cases where high blood pressure is caused by restricted arteries, hawthorn is a well known herbal remedy for high blood pressure. According to Germany's leading herbal doctor, Dr. Rudolph Weiss, it works by opening the coronary arteries and improving the heart's blood supply. To make a hawthorn berry infusion tea, use 2 tsp. crushed leaves or fruits per cup of boiling water, and steep for 20 minutes. Drink up to two cups per day.
Although all of these herbal remedies are generally considered safe, it is best to consult with your doctor before starting any herbal treatment. If your blood pressure does not improve after trying these herbal remedies for several weeks, discontinue use. See a doctor if you experience any abnormal symptoms or discomfort, such as faintness, uncontrollable rash, stomach upset or diarrhea while taking herbal supplements.