Hypertension & Weight Loss

Hypertension is a serious condition that can lead to a heart attack and stroke. According to the National Institute of Health, obesity greatly affects your chances for hypertension and a weight-reduction program can greatly lower blood pressure. In order to effectively lose weight and control hypertension, there must be a lifestyle change.
  1. Effects

    • Since obesity elevates blood pressure, weight loss of as little as 10 pounds can significantly reduce your systolic and diastolic numbers. To take off the pounds, lower your calorie intake and start exercising daily. Also include healthy choices in your diet such as fruits, vegetables and low-sodium foods.

    Time Frame

    • Pounds should be taken off moderately to increase the chance of keeping it off. Set attainable weight-loss goals such as one to two pounds a week. If your doctor approves, check your blood pressure at home in between medical visits. Record your weight loss and pressure readings regularly to monitor your progress.


    • To clarify the difference between obesity and overweight, a BMI (body mass index) must be considered. Obesity is defined by a BMI of equal or over 30, while overweight begins at 25 to 29.

      Hypertension occurs when blood pressure readings are 140/90mmHG or higher and not to be confused with pre-hypertension readings that starts at 120/80mmHG.


    • When your blood pressure is controlled, you live a healthier lifestyle. Lowering your blood pressure and losing weight minimize your chances of heart disease. With every pound lost, you can lower your blood pressure by 1mmHg.


    • Get regular checkups with your doctor and consult him before starting any weight-reduction program. Weight loss alone may not be effective in controlling hypertension and your doctor may prescribe medication.

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