Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
The Facts
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) advocates the DASH diet (dietary approaches to stop hypertension) to lower blood pressure.
Fruits and Vegetables
Aim for four to six servings of fruit and four to six servings of vegetables daily. The potassium in many fresh fruits is beneficial for lowering blood pressure.
Shoot for seven to eight servings of grains daily. At least three servings should be complex carbohydrates, such as whole bran or oats, rather than refined flour.
Dairy Products
Aim for two to three servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy products daily. Getting adequate calcium helps to control hypertension.
Aim for two servings of fresh fish, meat or poultry daily. Add four to five servings of nuts, seeds and legumes per week for heart-healthy benefits.
Fats, Sweets and Oils
Limit these foods to two to four servings daily. Choosing healthy fats, such as flaxseed oil, can help lower blood pressure.