What Is Hydrochlorot Prescribed For?
Hydrochlorothiazide is prescribed to reduce fluid retention, or edema, caused by congestive heart failure and kidney disorders, and from taking medications such as steroids or estrogen. Edema usually occurs in the feet, ankles and lower legs, but can affect other parts of the body as well. Hydrochlorot blocks salt and fluid re-absorption in the kidneys and causes increased urine output.
High Blood Pressure
Another common use for hydrochlorot is reducing high blood pressure, which helps prevent serious cardiovascular conditions such as heart attacks and strokes, as well as kidney problems. Researchers have not fully determined why the drug decreases high blood pressure, and also why it does not affect normal blood pressure. Theories include reduction in blood volume and cardiac output that result from sodium being eliminated through urine, and also that the drug may be able to directly widen blood vessels.
Kidney Stones
Doctors can legally prescribe medications for uses not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), called off-label use. One of these uses for hydrochlorot is preventing calcium-containing kidney stones, as the drug reduces the amount of calcium in urine.
Ménière's Disease
Physicians also sometimes prescribe hydrochlorot to relieve symptoms of Ménière's disease, a condition characterized by too much fluid and pressure in the inner ear. This disorder can cause extreme dizziness and vertigo, and it affects balance and hearing.
Edema During Pregnancy
Taking diuretics during pregnancy usually is not recommended, and any edema should be resolved by wearing support hose and elevating the legs. However, if a pregnant woman experiences edema from a disease-related (pathologic), cause, a doctor might prescribe medication such as hydrochlorot. Hydrochlorot also may be prescribed if the fluid retention causes extreme discomfort which is not alleviated by other methods.