Damage Caused by Benicar

Benicar is the brand name of olmesartan medoxomil, a drug manufactured by Saiichi Sankyo Inc. Benicar can be used alone or in combination with other drugs to control blood pressure. Most patients do not experience any damage caused by Benicar, although a small percentage of users do have problems with it. Benicar should not be used during pregnancy. The most commonly reported side effect of using Benicar is dizziness.
  1. Benicar and Treatment of Hypertension

    • Benicar relaxes blood vessels to reduce blood pressure.

      By blocking the hormone angiotensin II, Benicar helps to control hypertension. Angiotensin II causes elevated blood pressure by constricting blood vessels. When Benicar blocks the hormone, the vessels relax and stretch, resulting in a decrease in blood pressure. Doctors often prescribe Benicar along with other types of blood pressure medication, including diuretics to reduce water retention, to address more than one cause of hypertension at the same time. Along with prescription drugs, lifestyle changes, including improved diet and increased exercise, are also important components of blood pressure control programs.

    Benicar Precautions and Warnings

    • Benicar is generally safe for most patients. It should not be used during pregnancy and nursing. Benicar needs to be taken for an extended amount of time to be effective, so a patient should follow her doctor's instructions carefully to get the maximum benefit from the drug. During the early stages of treatment, while the correct combination of drugs and dosages for a patient are being determined, sudden loss of blood pressure can occur. A patient should always tell a doctor about any prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs or nutritional supplements being taken so that possible adverse drug interactions can be avoided.

    Benicar During Pregnancy and Nursing

    • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use Benicar.

      Studies have shown that Benicar can be dangerous to a fetus during the last two trimesters of pregnancy. The drug can also be detected in breast milk, where it could pose a health danger to the infant. If a patient is using Benicar and becomes pregnant, she should stop taking the drug immediately and seek the advice of her physician for alternative ways to control her hypertension during her pregnancy and while she is breastfeeding her infant.

    Sexual Side Effects of Benicar

    • Extensive clinical studies leading up to FDA approval of Benicar did not show that it had any adverse impacts on the sexual health of patients. However, testing of other drugs in the same class as Benicar have shown that some patients experience impotence or a decreased interest in sex while using the tested drugs. Because drugs in the same class as Benicar do cause some problems with sexual function, a patient who experiences any sexual problems while taking Benicar should discuss the symptoms with a doctor, who may recommend changes in treatment.

    Other Side Effects of Benicar

    • Most people who use Benicar do not experience side effects. Most of the side effects that do occur are not serious and can be treated successfully. Less than 3 percent of patients get dizzy while using the drug. More serious, but much less common, side effects are respiratory problems, hair loss, rashes on the skin and reduced urine volume. Benicar is a safe and effective treatment for high blood pressure in most patients, but any patient who has known side effects or experiences any other problems while taking the drug should consult with a doctor for advice on managing the side effects or changing the course of treatment.

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