How to Date Someone With HIV
Things You'll Need
- Materials about HIV (books, brochures, handouts)
- Regular HIV tests
Get to know the person who you are interested in dating. If you are considering dating someone with HIV, you should take the time to really get to know that person and find out about his interests, likes, dislikes and goals. It is important to build a strong friendship with that person before rushing into a serious relationship with him. Also, make sure that you do not engage in any type of sexual activities at the beginning of the relationship.
Take time out of your schedule to learn about HIV. You can find information on the Internet, visit a library for books and materials, or stop by a local health center to pick up brochures and handouts about HIV. This can help you better understand the virus before developing a close or intimate relationship with someone who has HIV.
Talk with your potential partner about her HIV status. Find out more about her illness, such as how often she visits the doctor, how many medications she’s taking, side effects that she experiences from the medicine, her current viral load and white blood cell count. This can give you some insight on the severity of her illness, her daily schedule and what might be expected from you, as her partner.
Discuss your future relationship and be honest about your concerns. If you decide to date someone with HIV, it is important to discuss your feelings and concerns with that person. Determine the type of relationship you want to have (such as casual dating, an intimate relationship or something long-term with the possibility of marriage) and make sure the other person wants the same thing.
Use protection when engaging in sexual activities. HIV is transmitted through infected blood, semen and vaginal secretions, so it is important to protect yourself if you do participate in any type of sexual activities with an infected person (such as vaginal, anal and oral sex). Be sure to use a latex condom each time that you have sex with someone who has HIV.
Know your HIV status. If you are involved with someone who has HIV, you should get tested for the virus at least once every six months. Your medical doctor can test you for HIV, or you or you can get tested at a local clinic.
Provide emotional support to your partner. Let your partner know that you are there for him and encourage him to open up and talk to you. Also, be sure to accompany him to his doctor visits whenever you can. This shows your partner that you really do care about him, and that you are concerned about his health.