How to Prevent Spreading HIV or AIDS
Things You'll Need
- Knowledge of HIV
How to Prevent Spreading HIV or AIDS
Having protected sexual intercourse (using condoms) is about the single easiest way to protect yourself from HIV. Never have sex without one unless you are in a monogamous relationship where both partners have been tested twice. Spermicides and birth control pills are useless in preventing the spread of HIV.
Do not share needles. Drugs are never good, but when you share a needle, in addition to the harm the drug itself can cause, you are also putting yourself at a higher risk of catching HIV. Ending all drug use is the best possible solution.
A mother with HIV runs the risk of spreading the infection to her unborn child. This risk can be reduced by taking anti-retroviral drugs or a single dose of Nevrapine at delivery. Any mother with HIV should discuss the options with her doctor to help prevent spreading to her child.
Educate teens. The teenage years are the most susceptible to risky behavior. Talk to your teen about the dangers of unprotected sex. Answer questions they have honestly. Open communication will help your teen resist peer pressure when it comes to sex or drugs.
Get the whole family involved. Family activities keep the whole family busy and build strong relationships. A healthy family environment can keep teens from peer pressure by not only allowing an open door policy with mom and dad, but good ways to fill their free time.
Blood transfusions are another way HIV is spread. It is rare because the blood is tested, but unfortunately it can occur. Whenever possible, donate your own blood if you know you will be having a procedure that will require a blood transfusion.