How to Participate in an AIDS HIV Awareness Month Fundraising Walk
Things You'll Need
- Map of your state
- AIDS HIV Awareness Month apparel
- Walking shoes
- Fundraising forms
Exercise to Raise Awareness During AIDS HIV Awareness Month
Utilize a diverse group of donors when you are getting pledges for an AIDS HIV Awareness Month fundraising walk. You should use a base of friends and family for guaranteed donations while pursuing funds from co-workers or neighbors you have not asked before.
Challenge your co-workers as you raise funds for an upcoming AIDS HIV Awareness Month walk. You can offer a free lunch or a gift certificate as an incentive for colleagues who are interested in donating to the cause.
Coordinate transportation and fundraising efforts before an AIDS HIV walk with a group of friends. Most run/walks allow you to participate under a team name to motivate everyone to get their friends out to support AIDS HIV awareness.
Wear AIDS HIV Awareness Month apparel from past years as you participate in an upcoming walk. Your T-shirt or baseball hat can expand awareness of AIDS and HIV issues in your community in a more immediate way than your donations.
Obtain comfortable walking shoes before you participate in an AIDS HIV Awareness Month fundraising walk. The investment in walking shoes with a comfortable cushion and good arch support will be worthwhile when you take part in multiple walks.
Arrive early and stay late at a fundraising walk to take advantage of live music and presentations relating to AIDS and HIV. Most walks feature speeches by people with AIDS, as well as musicians who are supporting the cause of AIDS awareness with a free concert.
Organize a fundraising walk in your hometown if there isn't one available. You can work with a local clinic or university group concerned with AIDS issues to find a venue, sponsors and a series of events to package around the walk.