How to Research Alternative Treatments for HIV
Complimentary and alternative medicine (CAM) can range from breathing exercises to acupuncture to herbal drugs. The effects of such treatments vary from individual to individual, and although alternative therapies are not a "cure-all" for HIV or the opportunistic diseases associated with HIV, they may be able to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with HIV.Things You'll Need
- Studies
- Articles
Choose from a range of therapies, which range in cost from simplest (breathing exercises, exercising at home, prayer therapy) to therapies that tend to require more training (yoga, martial arts) and money (acupuncture, herbal drugs).
Inform yourself of the history of the therapy or drugs. When and how was it developed? How does it work?
Look for studies and articles written on this therapy or drug. Educate yourself on typical side effects and risks involved - alternative therapies can have dangerous side effects even when followed correctly.
Contact centers that provide HIV/AIDS nutrition services - most can offer information and/or referrals on alternative treatments.
Look for trained, certified or licensed therapists, and make sure that any herbal manufacturers belong to the American Herbal Products Association. One possible resource for consultation is Direct AIDS Alternative Information Resources (DAAIR). Reach them at (888) 951-LIFE.
Discuss any health care choices with a physician that is well-informed of such therapies and treatments.