How does HIV cause symptoms of AIDS to develop in the human body?
1. Weakening of the Immune System:
- HIV primarily infects and destroys a type of white blood cell called CD4+ T cells, also known as helper T cells. These cells play a crucial role in the body's immune system, which defends against infections.
- As the number of CD4+ T cells decreases, the immune system becomes weaker and less able to fight off infections and certain types of cancers. This weakened immune state is what characterizes AIDS.
2.Opportunistic Infections and Cancers:
- People with AIDS have a weakened immune system, making them more susceptible to a wide range of opportunistic infections (OIs) and certain types of cancers.
- OIs are infections caused by microorganisms that usually do not cause illness in individuals with healthy immune systems. Examples of common OIs in AIDS patients include Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP), cryptococcal meningitis, and Kaposi's sarcoma.
- HIV-associated cancers include Kaposi's sarcoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and cervical cancer, among others.
3.HIV-Associated Neurological Disorders (HAND):
- HIV can directly infect the central nervous system, leading to a range of neurological complications known as HAND.
- HAND encompasses various conditions, such as HIV-associated dementia, which can cause cognitive impairment and memory loss; HIV-associated sensory neuropathy, which affects the peripheral nerves and can cause pain, numbness, or tingling sensations; and HIV-associated encephalopathy, which can lead to confusion, disorientation, and impaired motor coordination.
4. Wasting Syndrome:
- Also referred to as HIV-associated wasting syndrome, this condition involves a severe loss of body weight, muscle mass, and strength.
- It is caused by a combination of factors, including the direct effects of HIV on the body's metabolism, reduced nutrient absorption, and increased inflammation.
5. Constitutional Symptoms:
- In addition to specific infections and complications, HIV can also cause various constitutional symptoms, such as:
- Persistent fever
- Fatigue and weakness
- Night sweats
- Diarrhea
- Weight loss
- Swollen lymph nodes
It's important to note that not all people infected with HIV will progress to AIDS. With early diagnosis, effective treatment, and proper medical care, many individuals with HIV can now live long, healthy lives without developing AIDS.