How to Recognize HIV Symptoms

HIV symptoms last for only a short time at initial infection if they occur at all. In this first stage of the HIV virus the symptoms could also be caused by many other conditions. In the next phase of the HIV virus a victim can be without recognizable symptoms for ten years. In the third phase patients are symptomatic before entering full-blown AIDS. Follow these steps to be aware of HIV symptoms and recognize HIV symptoms early.


    • 1

      Remain aware of possible means of HIV infection.

      Since HIV only shows symptoms that could be confused with other minor viruses, it is crucial that you recognize how the virus is spread. Needles and sexual contact are the primary, though not only means of spreading the disease. If you are sexually active with a partner who has been sexually active with others, or have sex with more than one partner you are at greater risk. Sexual precautions are of course a must. Sharing needles places you at high risk for infection. You should be especially cognizant of the symptoms of HIV if these things are true.

    • 2

      Watch for flu like symptoms.

      In the first month of HIV infection flu like symptoms such as fevers, aches, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, skin rashes, or other flu like symptoms may occur. Clearly these can be related to a common cold or flu. However, if you believe you may have a chance of being exposed get tested immediately.

    • 3

      Expect to be without symptoms.

      HIV is often asymptomatic. Even the first stage mentioned in step one is not easily recognizes and cannot be diagnosed from symptoms. The second stage of HIV is named Asymptomatic HIV since you will not likely recognize any symptoms for years. This makes the disease especially dangerous and tragic as you have a high likelihood of infecting others if you are unaware.

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      Notice signs of third stage HIV.

      Third stage HIV, or Symptomatic HIV occurs just before full blown AIDS. You will experience ongoing flu symptoms like the ones mentioned in step two. You will likely also experience significant weight loss, loss of appetite, skin infections, and difficulty breathing. AIDS itself increases these symptoms and often leads to infections a normal immune system would repel or specific types of cancers.

      * See tips below for more help on HIV symptoms.

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