Safest Birth Control for HIV Positive Individuals
Abstinence is still the best-known birth control method and is the only way to be 100 percent positive you are not passing the disease to others. While abstinence is not practical for many, it is the best way to prevent pregnancy.
Wearing latex condoms every time you have sex is a very reliable way to prevent both pregnancy and passing the HIV virus. Care should be taken to properly fit the condom and to put it on so that slippage is minimized. There are both male and female condoms available and both are more than 90 percent reliable.
Other Contraception
Other contraceptive methods, such as oral contraceptives, foams, IUD, etc., are effective at preventing pregnancy, but will not stop the spread of the HIV virus.
Rhythm Method
The rhythm method is the least effective method at preventing pregnancy and has no effect whatsoever against the HIV virus.
No other methods are as reliable at preventing both pregnancy and spread of disease than abstinence and condoms.