What are the 5 ways to get HIv?
1. Through unprotected vaginal or anal sex. This is the most common way HIV is transmitted, and it is most likely if one person has a high viral load because of newly diagnosed HIV infection or being on poorly managed antiretroviral treatment (ART). Without any protection, every instance of vaginal sex has a 0.2% to 2% chance of transmitting HIV, and every instance of anal sex has between a 1.3% and 20% chance of transmitting HIV.
2. Through sharing drug injection equipment. When people reuse and share needles, syringes, cookers, or other injection equipment, they can exchange blood and put themselves at risk for HIV. This is the second most common way for people to get HIV, although in some areas, it is the leading way.
3. From an infected mother to her baby. During pregnancy, a mother can transmit HIV to her child. She can also pass it to her child during labor, delivery, or breastfeeding. It can be prevented and treated with medicines that keep the viral load as low as possible, avoiding breastfeeding (if possible) and providing prophylactic medicines or treatment for the child. Without these interventions, the risk of transmission from an infected mother is 20-40%.
4. Through transfusion of blood or blood products. While this was a significant transmission route in the past, it now rarely happens in countries with regulated blood supplies because thorough quality testing is conducted. Blood should only be transfused if the donor has a low risk of HIV infection, and blood products should be screened carefully before being given to patients.
5. Through transplantation of organs or tissues. Before organs or tissues are transplanted into another person, they should be tested for HIV and other infectious diseases. If testing is not done, HIV transmission can happen through transplantation. Transplantation is highly regulated and testing precautions are in place. This has become a rare way for HIV to be spread.
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