How to Cope With HIV Phobias
Things You'll Need
- Books or videos giving information on HIV
- A trusted doctor or therapist
Overcoming HIV Phobias
Educate yourself. This is the most important thing you can do to overcome HIV phobias. The internet alone can offer a wealth of medically proven insight into the nature of HIV, how it is contracted, and how to protect yourself from it. Books and instructional videos also provide valuable information on the illness, giving you a clear idea of what HIV is and how you can avoid it. This will help you dispel the myths surrounding HIV and come to terms with your phobic reactions to the virus and those who have it.
Talk to a doctor. Pay a visit to a trusted family doctor and ask questions about HIV and your extreme fear of it. Doctors are well-schooled in the finer points of HIV transmission and can help put your mind at ease. If your phobia borders on obsessive-compulsive disorder (an anxiety disorder distinguished by constant, redundant thoughts and behaviors), he or she may suggest medication or counseling.
Find a counselor. If your phobia has escalated to a point where it impedes your daily life, it's time to get some outside help. A supportive counselor or therapist will not only help educate you on the irrationality of your fears, but he or she will also help you root out the underlying cause of those fears. When the cause has been identified, you can begin to heal and let go of your unwarranted concerns surrounding HIV.
Consider medication. Again, if your HIV phobia has hindered your ability to live your life, it may be time to consider medication. There are several drugs currently on the market that have shown great success in helping people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, and Celexa are just a few of the medications that can help treat OCD.