Test for Protease
One very important enzyme that you may be deficient in is protease.
How Protease Works
Protease is a group of six different kinds of enzymes that your body uses to break down proteins. That alone is a very important role. You need the amino acids and other nutrients in proteins to build and repair tissues throughout your body.
Protease enzymes also help trigger many other important reactions in the body, including helping your blood to form clots in the event of a wound.
Protease Deficiencies
People who are deficient in protease cannot adequately digest protein. This results in discomfort whenever you eat protein, and it can lead to other problems as well. Often people who are protease deficient suffer from anxiety and low blood sugar. They are also at higher risk for arthritis, edema and colitis.
Blood Tests
To test for proper enzyme levels, your doctor will usually run a blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test. This tests for the byproducts of protein being broken down by the liver. Depending on the results of this test, your doctor may do other tests to determine what, if any, condition is causing an imbalance.
Reading Your Test Results
A high level of urea nitrogen can mean that your protease and other digestive enzymes are low. Sometimes this indicates a problem with the pancreas (which helps your body to produce digestive enzymes). It can also indicate other problems like kidney damage or heart failure, which is why your doctor may ask to do additional tests.
Replenishing Your Protease Levels
If you suspect your enzyme levels are low, you can improve your digestion and relieve your symptoms by taking a supplement that contains digestive enzymes. Look for a supplement that has bromelain, papain, trypsin and peptidase. Take your enzyme supplement with meals to get the best results.