HIV Symptoms: Headache & a Stiff Neck

Human Immunodeficiency Virus, also known as HIV, is the precursor of one of the deadly diseases known to man: AIDS. Once infected, HIV attacks the T4 cells in the immune system. The T4 cells are what your body uses to fight off illnesses. Once your T4 cells fall below a certain amount, your immune system becomes susceptible to AIDS, sometimes referred to as an opportunistic infection. Knowing the symptoms of HIV will help you fight this disease.
  1. Early Symptoms of HIV

    • According to the Mayo Clinic, a not-for-profit that dedicated to the diagnosis of virtually every type of complex disease, the early symptoms of HIV will vary depending on the phase of your infection. Early symptoms of HIV may be flu-like within the first four weeks after you are infected. These include fever, rash, headache, muscle ache, sore throat and swollen lymph glands, where the HIV infection lies. Even without any symptoms, you are still able to infect others if you yourself are infected.

    Headache and Stiff Neck

    • Are a headache and stiff neck symptoms of HIV? The answer is yes and no. One of the signs of later stage HIV infection includes persistent headaches. However, don't confuse a susceptibility to headaches or migraines with this symptom of HIV. Other symptoms must be present as well. In addition, a stiff neck is not a sign of HIV symptoms. Simply working out too hard or sleeping too long can cause a stiff neck. However, muscle aches are one of the signs of HIV infection. Again, look for multiple HIV symptoms or see your doctor if you are worried.

    Late Stage Symptoms

    • While it could take years for HIV symptoms to appear, the virus will still be spreading itself throughout your body and your immune system will be weakening after years of fighting. HIV can be suspected if your symptoms cannot be diagnosed as the flu or something else. Late stage symptoms include fever, fatigue, diarrhea, change in nail color, thrush (or a yeast infection of the mouth) and multiple outbreaks of colds sores or genital herpes.

    Symptoms for Women And Children

    • Symptoms for women and children differ slightly than those for men. Women are more at risk of breast enlargement and headaches. Fatigue, abdominal pain and pelvic problems are also more common in women. Women will more likely suffer from anxiety and depression more than men will.

      Children with HIV often display delayed growth, an enlarged spleen, repeated cases of thrush and recurring bacterial infections.


    • If you think you may have some of these HIV symptoms or are unsure if you are infected, see your doctor right away.

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