What do AIDS Lesions Look Like?
AIDS sufferers are at increased risk for herpes virus lesions, which cause cold sores, genital outbreaks, chickenpox and shingles. All of these lesion types are characterized by a red rash, accompanied by fluid-filled blisters that tend to burst and crust.
Molluscum Contagiosum
Molluscum contagiosum, a viral infection, can lead to lesions in AIDS patients. It causes various-sized, waxy, skin bumps. These lesions are filled with a thick, white substance and a rash may form around them.
Recurrent Itching
People with AIDS may experience recurring, itchy lesions, sometimes referred to as "itchy red bump disease." This kind of outbreak of small, red bumps may last several hours at a time.
Kaposi's Sarcoma
Kaposi's sarcoma is a skin cancer that causes purplish lesions of various sizes on the skin, as well as on other organs. These lesions either lay flat on the skin or be raised and are a sign of advanced stages of the disease.
Herpes lesions can be treated with antiviral drugs. Molluscum contagiosum and itchy red bump disease are treated with topical agents. Kaposi's sarcoma is targeted with various cancer treatments and also responds slightly to treatment with antiretroviral drugs used to manage the HIV/AIDS disease overall.