Can You Get HIV by Being Exposed to Tears?
For the HIV virus to be transmitted successfully, it needs to pass from an infectious bodily fluid into the bloodstream of an uninfected person.
Tears and Other Fluids
Bodily fluids that contain HIV but too little of the virus to be successfully transmitted to others include tears, saliva and urine.
Infectious Fluids
HIV is transmitted through the blood, semen, vaginal secretions or breast milk of an infected person. Transmission can occur through unprotected sex, sharing injection-drug equipment and breastfeeding.
Non-Risk Activities
It is not possible to contract HIV through casual contact, sharing things like dishes, bathrooms and swimming pools, and HIV is not airborne.
There is a risk of infection if there is a quantity of an infectious fluid in a non-infectious fluid--if there is blood present in tears, for instance.