HIV AIDS Alternative Treatment Methods
Herbs and Homeopathy
The use of herbs has always had a prevalent place in Chinese, homeopathic and Ayruvedic medicines. Certain herbs are used to improve the immune system and cut down infections. According to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, herbs such as St. John's wort, aloe vera, echinacea, ginseng and licorice can be helpful when treating HIV/AIDS. Homeopathy uses low doses of natural substances when treating disease. Conventional drugs used for HIV/AIDS are very expensive and in some countries, homeopathy may be the only option for people with small incomes.
Diet and Nutrition
Since people with HIV/AIDS have compromised immune systems, they will most often lose weight even with the proper diet and nutrition. As the disease progresses, the patient will experience symptoms such as nausea, malabsorption, diarrhea and infections that prevent fat storage. As the disease progresses from HIV to AIDs, malabsorption becomes an even bigger problem. People with HIV/AIDS also often become lactose-intolerant. Working with a nutritionist can be an important way to develop a diet that fulfills the necessary nutrients to stop weight loss. Dietary supplements, such as garlic, Chinese bitter melon, turmeric, shark cartilage or spirulina can help bolster immune system response.
Other Therapies
Acupuncture is often used to relieve symptoms such as neuropathy, pain and exhaustion. Massage therapy can help people who have chronic muscle pain and also help reduce emotional and mental stress that is common with the disease. A whole array of massage therapies from acupressure to deep muscle massage can be beneficial. Chiropractors can help treat symptoms such as joint stiffness and pain, a common complaint in people with HIV/AIDS. Other therapies that may be helpful include meditation, hypnosis and biofeedback.