What Does it Mean to Be Seropositive?
What It Means
Once you test positive for HIV, you need to have tests run to determine your CD4 level, which counts how many healthy white blood cells you have, and your viral load level, which determines how much HIV is in your blood. According to health experts at The Body, a CD4 count below 200 is dangerous as you are prone to becoming extremely ill. Visit your doctor every three to six months to keep a close watch on your viral load and CD4 count to ensure that you're healthy.
Because your immune system is compromised and therefore cannot fight off infections and bacteria, it is extremely important that you avoid foods that can possibly compromise your health. Raw eggs are dangerous as you are susceptible to catching salmonella. If you wish to eat eggs, make sure they are scrambled and thoroughly cooked to avoid food-borne illnesses. You should also avoid raw fish such as sushi, and when dining out always ask for your meat to be cooked well done rather than rare or medium. When preparing food, be sure to disinfect all countertop surfaces to avoid contaminating your food. Keep your raw meats away from other foods you are cooking, and wash your hands with warm water and soap to avoid spreading bacteria.
Lifestyle Change
Avoiding alcohol is extremely important because of its weakening effects on the immune system. Alcohol lowers your CD4 count, and this causes you to be susceptible to getting sick. Instead, drink plenty of fluids such as water to keep your body in good health, and reduce soda, coffee and other caffeinated beverages. Smoking can prevent your body from fighting off infections such as bacterial pneumonia and increases long-term side effects of HIV.