Top 10 Symptoms of AIDS
Stomach Problems
Vomiting and Nausea--This is one of the most irritating of symptoms as it can truly make the person feel completely drained not to mention suffering with a constant ill feeling. This can become very dangerous if it is not treated right away as you can get dehydrated rather quickly.
Lactic Acidosis--The word Acidosis means that there is too much acid in the body. This is caused from an excessive amount of lactic acid in your body. This symptom is due to your body not being able to metabolize the acid fast enough. If you suffer with this, you will most likely suffer with stomach pains as well as vomiting and even rapid breathing.
Diarrhea- -This too is another dangerous symptom and needs to be addressed as quickly as possible so that you do not put your life in danger.
Tingling or a Burning in the Hands and/or Feet
This can be an irritating symptom as it can make you suffer with great pain from the burning sensation. This condition is generally caused by nerve damage but it can also come from the medications that you take for AIDS. Some people even claim that have this issue with their lips and mouth.
Nose and Mouth Issues
Thrush--This is one of the most common symptoms of AIDS. This is an infection of the mouth and starts when the body is over-producing a yeast called Candida. While this yeast is naturally found on a persons body, it can get out of control and cause white patches around the inside of the mouth as well as on the tongue.
Sinus Infections--Just about everyone has suffered with a sinus infection at one time or another in their life but for those that have AIDS they will find that they seem to have more trouble with their sinuses. It is common to have repeated sinus infections.
Mental and Physical Issues
Fatigue- -This symptom goes along with the same symptoms as weight loss. Going through such troublesome symptoms can make you feel fatigued round the clock. Your energy is being drained from all directions so it is important to keep up with nutritional supplements.
Depression--It is common for people suffering with AIDS to get sad but if the sadness lasts for weeks and there is no improvement, then the person may be suffering with clinical depression. This is something that needs to be addressed as soon as possible so it doesn't go any further.
Weight Issues
Weight Loss--Due to other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, weight loss can become a serious problem. It is important to weigh yourself regularly so that you an have your doctor work with you to keep you from melting away and getting sicker.
Lipodystrophy--This is also known as the AIDS look. This is actually a condition that redistributes fat in the body to other areas. The most distinct sign is sunken cheeks, abdomen and back of neck getting larger, and the legs and arms getting thinner. This is not a harmful symptom but it can be hard mentally on the person.