When Do the First Symptoms of HIV Occur?
HIV Symptoms
Most people with HIV will not have symptoms until they develop AIDS many years later. Symptoms of HIV, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, can include rapid weight loss, dry cough, chronic fever or diarrhea, fatigue, swollen lymph glands, white spots in the mouth, splotches on the skin, pneumonia or neurological disorders.
HIV Time Frame
When people experience symptoms of HIV, it is within a few weeks after being infected, during the period when the body is reproducing HIV antibodies. The symptoms often go away and are ignored.
AIDS Symptoms
AIDS is the diagnosis given when someone's immune system has been seriously damaged by HIV. The symptoms of AIDS are having less than 200 T cells (part of the immune system) or having opportunistic infections such as chronic pneumonia. Once someone has an AIDS diagnosis it will not be removed, even if infections go away or T cells increase.
AIDS Time Frame
It takes many years for HIV to develop into AIDS. The CDC estimated that it takes an average of 10 years. With new HIV treatments, that time frame may be rising; further research is needed. It is important for someone with HIV to receive treatment as soon as possible in order to stay healthier longer.
The best way to protect yourself against HIV is to abstain from sexual activity and not share needles with anyone. If you are sexually active, you can reduce your risk for HIV by using latex or polyurethane condoms or barriers (such as dental dams) with each sexual encounter. You also can reduce the risk of contracting HIV through needle use by cleaning them in boiling water or with bleach.