How to Avoid Getting HIV

Human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is the virus that cause AIDS. HIV is caused by direct exposure to an infected person's bodily fluids. You can get HIV by engaging in unsafe drug and sexual practices. There is no cure for HIV. Fortunately, it is easy to avoid getting HIV.


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      Avoid using intravenous drugs to avoid getting HIV. If you are an IV drug user, only use disposable needles one time, then discard safely. Do not ever share needles with another user.

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      Ask all potential sexual partners to be tested for HIV before becoming intimate. Limit the number of sex partners that you have.

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      Use condoms when having sexual intercourse, including anal sex, to avoid getting HIV. Use condoms or dental dams when engaging in oral sex.

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      Avoid contact with other people's blood. This means avoiding used razor blades, menstrual pads and other products that may have someone else's blood on them. Use latex gloves, if possible, when performing first aid on any person who is bleeding.

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