What Does a Negative HIV Test Mean?
Window Period
A person who has been infected with the HIV virus has a window period in which his body needs time to respond to the virus by creating HIV antibodies. This can happen three months after infection or even up to six months.
A person who is in the window period may be infected with the virus and still test negative.
HIV can still be transmitted during the window period, even if you test negative.
Negative Response
Having a negative response means that no HIV antibodies were found at the time of your test. You still need to protect yourself.
It is important that if you feel that you have put yourself in a risky situation, to receive an HIV test. Get tested at least every three months after potential exposure.
Reducing the Risk
Always use a condom if you engage in sex, as this can reduce the risk. If you use drugs, do not share needles. Do not share needles for piercings or tattooing.