Radiesse Techniques
Skin Injection
Radiesse is injected into the skin of the patient's face. Radiesse contains calcium hydroxylapatite, described as microspheres by the company's website. The product suspends the microspheres in a water-based gel. Besides providing a filler to alter the patient's appearance, Radiesse is promoted as stimulating the body to produce new collagen which will naturally fill out the face. This works for both facial lipoatrophy and facial folds and wrinkles.
The doctor will discuss and identify areas for injection with you and then will obtain consent. She will then apply a topical anesthetic, nerve block or ice to numb face. A non-permanent marker will indicate places or areas on face for injections. Skin cleanser or alcohol will be used on injection sites. The doctor will prepare a syringe with a proper needle length based upon patient and treatment.
Several techniques exist for injections depending upon the desired outcome. The depths of the injections depend upon skin thickness and area. Multiple injections can be made in one area in a technique known as fanning. It is best to inject it at different levels for maximum effect. Linear threading involves parallel injections along fold lines. Combine the techniques to accomplish certain desired results.
The plastic surgeon massages and molds the facial area after injections. This evens out the face and corrects any areas with too much or too little filler. Apply antibiotic cream to injections' spots to combat infection around needle entry points.