Hot Flashes and Diet
Avoid Stimulants
Spicy and highly-acidic foods can trigger hot flashes in many women. Be wary of dishes featuring hot pepper, cayenne and citrus fruits. Adding more fresh vegetables and juices can help balance this effect by alkalizing the system. Caffeine, including that found in coffee, tea and chocolate, can also worsen hot flashes, as can tobacco use. Alcohol can also cause flushing and an increased rate of hot flashes.
Add Vitamin E
Adding vitamin E to your diet may be the easiest thing you can do in order to help reduce the severity and frequency of hot flashes. Some foods that are high in vitamin E include wheat germ, whole-grain breads, cereals, leafy green vegetables and many types of nuts. Because it does have a blood-thinning property, however, it is advisable to consult your physician for any ongoing health problems or drug interactions you might experience.
Change Your Protein Source
According to "Hormone Deception," replacing meat, margarine and other animal fats with soy products like tofu and soybean oil does more than just lower saturated fat and cholesterol. It has also been proven to introduce compounds that help to control hot flashes. While the typical Western diet is much lower in soy products than that of the Japanese, Eastern women experience much fewer hot flashes. As noted in "Healing with Vitamins," soy products have an inherent compound called phytoestrogens. These compounds have been found to function much like natural female hormones do, which can lessen the estrogen withdrawal that is thought to be the cause of hot flashes.
A Better Diet Helps
Improving your diet and watching what you eat benefits your whole body in addition to helping with menopausal symptoms like hot flashes. Limiting the stimulating components, switching to decaf coffee and getting more protein from soy products are all highly beneficial. A change in the way your body functions can easily be managed by changing what you put into it.