How to Diagnose A Hormone Imbalance
Look for the symptoms. A hormone imbalance sometimes causes tenderness in breasts during the menstrual cycle, fatigue, dizziness, bloating. Also look for a weak sexual desire and vaginal dryness. A hormone imbalance may also make it difficult to conceive a child. Some women even have premature menopause symptoms including missed periods and hot flashes.
Evaluate the symptoms further. Some symptoms of hormone imbalance are common and perfectly natural during the menstrual cycle such as bloating and breast tenderness. Pay attention to the degree of the symptom and look for a combination of symptoms that may indicate a hormone imbalance.
Go to a doctor and get tested for hormone imbalance. This is the only way you will know for certain whether you have a hormone imbalance, and if so which specific hormones are being over-produced and which are deficient. Since there are multiple hormones controlling your body and your cycle it is impossible to fully diagnose a hormone imbalance without a blood test.