How to Join a Study for Human Growth Hormone Research
Find a Clinical Trial
Ask your endocrinologist or medical specialist if he is familiar with clinical trials related to your specific condition. Since he is familiar with your case, discuss the potential risks and benefits of taking experimental medications.
Call local university medical centers. If you live near a medical research facility, call their endocrinology department to see if they need participants for human growth hormone studies.
Search online resources specific to human growth hormone. Together with CenterWatch, the Magic Foundation (Major Aspects of Growth In Children) provides information for adults and children with growth hormone deficiency. They have a Clinical Trials Resource Center that offers a wealth of information including general discussion about clinical trials, a list of recently approved drugs, and profiles of research centers specializing in endocrinology. They have a list of human growth hormone related clinical trials that are actively recruiting participants and also offer the ability to search by geographic region. Their database is updated daily and you can ask to be notified by email when new clinical trials are posted.
The Human Growth Foundation also has an online section devoted to clinical trials and studies. In addition to providing links to key resources for human growth hormone clinical trials, they offer a detailed list of current studies that include information about participant eligibility. Find links in the References section.
Explore general online databases for clinical trials. The U.S. National Institutes of Health operate a large, comprehensive database of clinical trials at You can use their advanced search feature to indicate the medical condition, type of procedure, research facility, location, and/or participant criteria. If studies that meet your criteria are found, the results will include detailed information about the study including the contact person. Another web site--Clinical Connection--offers the ability to search for studies using keywords and zip code. Find links in Resources.
Determine Eligibility
Evaluate the clinical studies you've found to see if any fit your needs. Many details will be available once you locate a clinical study. You'll be able to learn if they're currently recruiting, exactly what they're studying and why, where the research is taking place, and eligibility criteria for participants.
Discuss any possible clinical trials with your physician. Once you've found one you're interested in be sure to talk with your physician about that particular study. Let him evaluate the treatment you might receive and how it will impact your health.
Contact the clinical trial coordinator. The clinical trial announcement will include the name of a contact person who is coordinating applicants for the study. Once you call he will begin a pretrial screening process to determine if you are a good candidate for the study. He should also provide you with more details about the clinical trial including tests required, medications, and any known risks. Physicians at the Mayo Clinic suggest asking about the goal of the study, whether you may receive a placebo, how long it will last, what happens if your condition gets worse, can you continue seeing your own doctor, will you need to pay for anything, and will you be told the results.