How to Deal With Hormonal Mood Swings
Things You'll Need
- Multivitamin
- Prescribed medications
Take a walk. Exercise helps lift the mood and reduces tension and stress. It also increases circulation, which causes the body to release feel-good beta-endorphins.
Go on a diet. Diet plays a large part in hormonal mood swings. To reduce the severity and frequency of mood swings, eliminate caffeine, salt, alcohol and simple sugars. Eat smaller meals every three hours rather than three large meals to keep blood sugars stable. Fluctuating blood sugar causes energy highs and lows, which can cause mood swings.
Look at hormonal options. Because hormonal mood swings are due to an imbalance and change in hormone levels, doctors often treat these mood swings with hormones. Birth control pills keep hormones in check, and prevent the spikes that cause hormonal mood swings.
Take a supplement. A simple multivitamin works to alleviate the irritibility, depression and fatigue that occurs with hormonal mood swings. The multivitamin should include vitamin B6, B complex, magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin E.
Talk to someone. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps identify and find solutions to common mood triggers, and helps teach coping mechanisms and alternate responses to these triggers.
Try a psychiatrist. In cases of severe hormonal mood swings, a psychiatrist can prescribe medication to keep the mood stable. In the majority of cases, doctors prescribe an antidepressant such as Prozac or Zoloft or a mood stabilizer such as Elavil or Triavil. For anxiety and panic that can occur with severe mood swings, doctors use tranquilizers such as Xanax or Valium.