What Are the Benefits of Testosterone Gel?
Testosterone gel is applied to the shoulders, upper arms or abdomen. It is rubbed in each morning after showering, when the skin is clean.
Testosterone gel treats effects of hypogonadism--insufficient functioning of the gonads--by increasing the level of testosterone in the blood. The goal is to restore testosterone to the normal range.
Testosterone gel works to restore masculine traits that would be present with normal testosterone levels. These includes deep voice, strong muscles and increased sexual performance.
Testosterone gel helps to reverse and prevent conditions caused by low testosterone. These include decreased sexual interest, fatigue, depression, brittle bones and loss of muscle mass.
Testosterone can be passed to other family members if they come into contact with skin that has the gel on it. This could cause harm to pregnant women and fetuses. The side effects of testosterone gel include increased risks of prostate disease, dermatitis, acne and frequent mood changes.