High Testosterone Remedies

Women who have higher testosterone levels than normal may suffer from a variety of symptoms, such as male-pattern hair growth on the chest and face, acne, fat redistribution, muscle development and a deepening of the voice. These symptoms can be corrected by bringing hormonal levels back in balance. Men with an abundance of testosterone are at an increased risk for prostate cancer.
  1. Herbal Treatments

    • Use phytoestrogenic herbs to correct the imbalance of estrogen and testosterone. There are no low or high levels of testosterone for women, but when there is more testosterone than estrogen, you are testosterone-dominant and an effective method to treat the condition is with herbal estrogens. Black cohosh and angelica are common phytoestrogenic herbs. Do not use these herbs for extended periods and always consult with your doctor before beginning an herbal regimen.
      Macafem is a nonestrogenic herb that stimulates the pituitary glands into producing more estrogen naturally.


    • A study conducted by researchers at the University of California discovered that a low-fat diet with increased fiber reduces testosterone levels. While the current trend is toward treating low testosterone in men, the information can help those who are suffering from high testosterone levels as well.
      There is a need for fat in the diet, however, and diets that eliminate all fat are not healthy. Olive oil and canola oil are good sources of fat that should be included in a low-fat diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are also necessary for good health and can be found in oily fish, such as mackerel and salmon, as well as flax seed and walnuts. Include these foods in your low-fat diet.
      Protein is a necessary component of a healthy diet. Red meat contains saturated fat and should be kept to a minimum for a healthy low-fat diet. Lean sources of protein include soy and skinless chicken. There is some controversy surrounding the effect of soy on testosterone. Evidence from the use of soy in animals is that there is a reduction in testosterone, but these studies have not yet been conclusive for the use of soy in humans.
      For women suffering from high testosterone, eliminating sugars and refined carbohydrates may have an effect on testosterone levels. These foods stimulate insulin production, which then stimulates the ovaries to produce more testosterone.

    Medical Treatments

    • Have a medical examination to determine the cause of high testosterone levels. One of the possible causes of high levels of male hormones in women is polycystic ovary syndrome.
      The doctor may prescribe a low dose of birth control pills to control the symptoms of the condition. Birth control pills will help with the hair growth and acne. Spironolactone is also used to block the production of testosterone. Only use Spironolactone if you are not pregnant and do not plan on becoming pregnant, as this drug can cause birth defects.

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