Chinese Remedy for Using Garlic for Erectile Dysfunction
Herbal Cures
Seventy-five percent of Ugandans rely on traditional healers, and 80 percent of Asians still rely on their Shaman, or medicine man. African and Asian countries have used Garlic, Allium sativum, for centuries to remedy erectile dysfunction, but garlic's efficacy is by tradition. Mulondo Wine is marketed nationally and internationally as an aphrodisiac for both men and women. The wine is made from Mondia whiteii roots.
Modern Herbs
Modern doctors and researchers work with the homeopathic healers to increase awareness of herbs and natural products to sustain health globally. Medicinal plants are effective ingredients used by drug companies to guide their development of new drugs, but research studies are at best hard to compare without standardized doses for garlic products.
Life Satisfaction
Male sexual performance is not included in discussions of family planning, sexually transmitted diseases, or the transmission of AIDS. The stigma of sexual impotence or ED leads the man to believe he is worthless. The man believed worthless tries other women, leading to broken homes and exposure to HIV/AIDS. In all cases, ED effects psychological well being, devastates self-esteem, contributes to depression, and reduces life satisfaction.
Causes of ED
Diabetes, hypertension, HIV/AIDS, high cholesterol, stress, and smoking all contribute to erectile dysfunction. NIH reports that ED is a side effect of blood pressure drugs, antihistamines, anti-depressants, tranquilizers, appetite suppressants, and stomach drugs for gastritis and ulcers. Psychological effects or causes of ED are unemployment, stress, anxiety, guilt, depression, low self-esteem, and fear of failure. Smoking and the conditions listed above effect blood flow in your veins and arteries and can trigger hormonal abnormalities, such as low testosterone, i.e. inability to maintain an erection.
An erection results from nerve impulses to and from the brain and spinal cord to the penis, tissues, muscle fibers, veins, and arteries. Nerve damage or damage to the arteries, veins, and tissues can result from disease, such as diabetes, kidney disease, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, vascular disease, or neurological disorders. Erectile dysfunction may signal a serious illness, such as a heart condition or cancer.
The effect of the garlic is believed to be temporary. Logically, high blood pressure and high cholesterol are thought to cause erectile dysfunction. If garlic lowers cholesterol and high blood pressure 6 to 12 percent, even temporarily, garlic may be somewhat effective on erectile dysfunction and have a positive effect on the amount of testosterone circulating in the blood stream. Garlic has no adverse effects, but in the case of serious cancer or heart conditions, erectile dysfunction may be a protective mechanism to prevent heart attack or stroke. ED occurs up to three years prior to the serious illness, heart attack, or stroke.