Side Effects of Androgens
The side effects of androgens vary, and are consistent whether the androgenic hormone is being used legitimately for medical treatment, or illegally for various reasons. Exploring the side effects of androgens is vital in understanding these powerful chemicals.
Androgenic steroids are often injected into muscle tissue.
In order to fully understand the side effects of androgens, it is essential to first understand what exactly they are. The term "androgens" is slang for the androgenic portion of anabolic-androgenic hormones, or steroids, which are produced naturally in the human body as testosterone by the male testes and female ovaries. Androgens are also available in medical supplements, as well as in illegal forms.
While the term anabolic refers mainly to muscle and bone mass, androgenic involves male characteristics such as body hair, male pattern baldness and voice changes. Androgens enhance these aspects in males, and in females undergoing therapy involving the hormone.
Side Effects
The features of androgens produce side effects associated with their role in the body, as well as pronounced side effects that can occur if androgens are abused.
Since androgens are responsible for male characteristics, they produce side effects characteristic of men. These include increased growth of body hair, testicular shrinkage, increased sex drive, development of breasts in men, infertility, and development of severe acne on the face and back.
Mental Side Effects
According to a report from the U.S. Department of Energy, androgens have the potential for mental side effects as well as physical ones. Aggression is the most consistent side effect that can occur with androgens, says this report. This can lead to the potential for violence in some people, and many homicides have been linked to androgen abuse--commonly termed "roid rage."
Other potential mental side effects of androgens include mood swings, periods of mania, paranoia, extreme irritability, jealousy and delusions.
Although heavily-laden with side effects, androgens are often useful in the medical world. This is particularly the case with testosterone replacement therapy, used to treat androgenic deficiency, which can result in various health issues.
Persons suffering from HIV, AIDS or cancer can benefit from androgen supplementation. Androgenic effects, coupled with anabolic effects, can improve appetite, lean muscle mass and even increase appetite for those who have illnesses such as these. Also, therapy using androgens is used to treat delayed puberty and steroid hormone deficiency, says NIDA.
Androgens are powerful hormones and, as such, produce equally potent side effects. They should be used with care, and only under a doctor's supervision. Abuse of androgenic steroids can wreak havoc on a person's health, with the potential to increase risk of prostate cancer and heart failure.
A physician alone is qualified to determine if androgens are appropriate for personal health. And, it is very important to remember that androgens, including anabolic-androgenic steroids, are illegal to possess in the United States without a doctor's prescription.