What Is Fsh?
Significance in Children
High or low levels of FSH can cause early or delayed puberty, respectively. If this is suspected, FSH will be examined along with the level of luteinizing hormone (LH).
Significance in Women
FSH is one of the hormones responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle and triggering the development of eggs. FSH levels can be used to determine if a woman has reached menopause. Progesterone, estradiol and LH also can be examined with FSH to diagnose problems.
Significance in Men
According to fertility.com, FSH plays a key role in the production of healthy sperm. It also is used to explain the cause of a low sperm count, along with testosterone, according to the University of Michigan.
A blood test is used to measure your level of FSH. Your doctor will notify you to avoid taking medications, herbs or supplements that could interfere with the test results.
Only a doctor can determine your FSH level and how to properly diagnose and treat you.