What Is Natural Cortisol?
Cortisol levels rise during stressful times, helping the body get energy and maintain homeostasis. High cortisol levels can be helpful if a fight-or-flight response is needed, but can be damaging over long periods.
Cortisol Effects
According to the Columbia Encyclopedia, high cortisol levels can cause suppressed immune function, abdominal weight gain, memory problems and insulin resistance.
Weight Gain
Cortisol frees up energy in liver glycogen and bodily muscle tissue. If the body's energy is coming from these sources, incoming sugars are not used, and are instead stored as fat, especially around the face and torso.
Reducing Cortisol Levels
Stress raises cortisol levels and relaxing activities can lower cortisol levels. Laughter, calming music and gentle exercise can all help lower cortisol levels.
Medicinal Use
In cases such as allergic reactions or diseases of the immune system, cortisol can be used medicinally to reduce local inflammation by blocking histamine release. Cortisol use for medicinal purposes is also called hydrocortisone.