Uses of Testim
Testim is used to relieve and manage various common symptoms of hypogonadism, which include reduced sexual interest, impotence, low moods, reduced lean body mass and bone density, and exhaustion. Testim functions as a replacement for testosterone to help eliminate these problems.
The gel must be used on a daily basis and in the morning. Individuals must apply the gel onto skin that is completely dry and clean. It should be applied all over the upper arms, shoulders, and stomach. Be sure to not get the gel anywhere near the genital region.
Side Effects
Like the majority of medications, using Testim comes with the possibility of the development of some side effects. Some common Testim side effects include a skin reaction where the gel was applied, acne, unstable moods, enlargement of the breasts, prostate disorder, hypertension, and headache. You must notify your doctor if you experience any of these effects.
Testosterone is a vital hormone for males because it assists the body in the production of sperm. It also helps with the development and maintenance of male sexual traits, like body hair and deep voices. Also, it helps to stop bone loss from occurring, and it aids with muscle maintenance. Testosterone is also essential for healthy and normal sexual desire.
Testim is not necessarily appropriate or safe for everyone. It is vital to speak with your doctor before using this gel. Your doctor must be notified of any medical conditions that you might have, especially if you have or have had male breast cancer or prostate cancer.