The Effects of Steroids on the Liver
Normal Use of Steroids
Anabolic steroids are related to testosterone. They are usually given after a serious illness or injury to help rebuild tissue.
Reliable information about the long-term effects of steroids on the liver has largely come from patients hospitalized for diseases like anemia, pituitary and kidney problems.
Cell Damage
The hospitalized patients showed signs of decreased liver function. When liver cells are damaged, a byproduct of hemoglobin called bilirubin may no longer be excreted normally by the liver. It builds up, and the skin can take on a yellowish hue called jaundice.
Steroid use can result in hepatic peliosis, which is the formation of blood-filled liver cysts. This can cause scarring and a subsequent increase of blood pressure as well as internal hemorrhage.
Tumors and Cancer
A less common consequence of steroid use on the liver is the formation of benign tumors that are reversible if medication is halted. However, liver cancer is also possible. This is usually fatal.
Steroid Abuse
Athletes and bodybuilders try to build more muscle and improve performance by taking anabolic steroids by mouth or injection. Sometimes they will take higher doses, use more than one steroid at the same time, or use them in other ways that raise the risk of side effects.