Cures for Premenopausal Depression
Hormone replacement therapy is one possible cure for premenopausal depression. For some women the symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes and mood swings, may be enough to cause depression. Replacing diminishing estrogen may improve mood and alleviate some of the uncomfortable symptoms of this transitional stage. Women who have not had an episode of depression before premenopause have the option of using hormone therapy or antidepressants. Doctors recommend using one at a time to determine which will relieve the symptoms and cure depression.
Counseling accompanies hormone replacement to cure depression symptoms. It should be noted that counseling without medication is unlikely to cure depression. Counseling can help some women sort out their feelings on the transition from one stage of life to the next.
If hormone replacement is not able to cure depression, antidepressant medications may be more successful. These medications are typically used for depression that is not caused by premenopause, but can work just as well for this type of depression.
Commonly used antidepressants are called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and they work by increasing the level of serotonin in the brain. Finding the right antidepressant may take some patience. Dosage and type of medication will depend on the results that are achieved. These medications have side effects such as nausea and sexual side effects. The doctor can change the medication if the side effects are unmanageable.
Natural Depression Cures
For those who do not wish to use synthetic hormone replacement or antidepressant medications, an herbal remedy may cure premenopausal depression.
Black cohosh is a popular herbal remedy for menopausal and premenopausal symptoms. The plant contains phytoestrogens, which are very similar to the hormones in the body.
Dong quai is used for menopausal symptoms and for problems with menstruation. This herb is used to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of the premenopausal stage.
Herbal medications have not been studied or verified for their effectiveness in the same way that antidepressants and hormone replacement therapy have.