Herbs to Treat Andropause
To treat andropause, you can take herbs that are directed at both the symptom and the problem. Take vitamin B-complexes for an excellent boost if you are feeling fatigued or experiencing mood swings. Several herbs have been shown to treat andropause including garlic, fermented soy, milk thistle, selenium and flaxseed. According to HerbalRemedies.com, adding more zinc to your diet can keep your testosterone levels high.
Add supplements of pumpkin seed, arginine, holy basil, folic acid and DHEA. A diet rich in essential amino acids is also helpful in treating andropause. Maca is another supplement that can raise both energy and hormone levels, resulting in a higher sex drive. Combine saw palmetto with nettle root to keep testosterone from converting into dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. DHT is the main culprit responsible for hair loss in men, another condition of Andropause. Chrysin is another herb used to treat andropause, though it is mostly effective when it is consumed in lozenge form or as a topical cream. In addition to these herbs, take vitamins C, D and E to assist your overall health.
Andropause is directly associated with a man's lifestyle and habits. Because andropause is linked with high cholesterol levels, increased risks of heart disease and an increase in body fat, it is important to prevent the onset and progression of the condition. If you have poor daily habits regarding your health, you are more likely to develop andropause. To prevent the onset of this problem, maintain a nutritious, low fat diet. Eat foods that are high in essential minerals and vitamins to maintain a low weight and avoid obesity.
Get your heart rate up often by exercising on a regular basis. Avoid unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking that are known to affect male hormonal levels. Participate in stress reduction techniques such as massage and aromatherapy to keep stress levels down as well. Get at least eight hours of sleep at night and drink plenty of water each day, usually around eight glasses.