Effects of Natural Progesterone
Progesterone and Estrogen
Progesterone and estrogen are the two main hormones a woman produces that affect her reproductive cycle. When a woman is menstruating, she produces estrogen during the first half of her cycle, followed by progesterone the second half of the cycle. As a woman approaches menopause, her progesterone levels can drop. Hormone levels can become unbalanced for other reasons, as well. Women tend to become estrogen-dominant when there is a hormonal imbalance. Progesterone cream is helpful for reducing estrogen and increasing the body's production of progesterone.
Women going through menopause often experience hot flashes, moodiness, irregular menstruation, insomnia and even hair loss. Natural progesterone can ease some of the symptoms of menopause by balancing hormone production and inhibiting estrogen, which becomes the dominant hormone during menopause.
Bone Health
Natural progesterone can also protect the health of your bones. Bones are created and maintained through the production of two types of cells. Progesterone stimulates osteoblasts, which build new bone, while estrogen stimulates the creation of osteoclasts that break down old bone. An excess of estrogen, or a lack of progesterone, can contribute to developing osteoporosis.
Other Health Issues
Natural progesterone can also benefit several other conditions. Women who don't ovulate well, or have repeated miscarriages, might suffer from a lack of progesterone. If a doctor suspects progesterone deficiency in this situation, she will recommend progesterone supplementation starting after ovulation is confirmed and continued until a period starts, or into the second trimester of pregnancy. Natural progesterone can also help irregular periods, reduce cramping, bloating, depression and irritability related to PMS and PMDD, inhibit endometriosis and protect against breast cancer.
Most people are aware of the risk of using hormone replacement therapy during menopause to ease the symptoms. Artificial progesterone and estrogen can cause heart attacks, blood clots and strokes, along with increasing the risk of breast cancer. Natural progesterone doesn't typically have these risks, as long as you use 20 to 40 milligrams, which is about 1/16 of a teaspoon, daily. That is the amount the body naturally produces on its own. If used in excess, natural progesterone can cause the same health problems as synthetic progesterone.