Side Effects of the Human Growth Hormone
Prescribing HGH
Many people confuse HGH with being an illegal substance due to the negative press it receives. This is actually not the case. HGH can be obtained only by prescription; it is not the hormone which is illegal, but rather possession and use of the hormone when it was not prescribed to you is illegal. HGH is given out in injections, and prescribed to children and adults whose bodies do not naturally produce a normal amount of the hormone.
Benefits of HGH
HGH has been shown to increase bone density, muscle mass and capacity for exercise. It also decreases body fat. Other effects include reduction in cholesterol levels, improved heart function, some increased mental capability and stimulation of growth in children. Many of these positive effects are what make HGH so appealing to athletes and others looking for a quick way to bulk up.
HGH For Healthy Adults
It is important to note that the benefits of synthetic HGH are meant to be administered to those lacking natural amounts of HGH in their bodies. Healthy adults are not supposed to take HGH, and will most likely not be given a prescription for the hormone. This is what leads many to obtain the hormone illegally. HGH testing has not been widely done on healthy adults, and little benefit is seen to occur beyond the increase of muscle mass and decrease of body fat.
Negative Effects of HGH
Many adverse side effects have been reported as a result of healthy adults injecting themselves with doses of HGH. Side effects of Human Growth Hormone can include swelling of the arms and legs as a result of excess water retention. HGH can also cause pain in the joints as well as a condition very similar to arthritis. These two effects are the result of excess water in the joints. Human Growth Hormone may also cause muscle pain, increased breast tissue growth and some studies have even reported increases in the risk for diabetes. Heart disorders are also a common issued attributed to abuse of HGH.
HGH and Aging
A common misconception about Human Growth Hormone is that it can slow the aging process, and even restore youth and vitality to those who inject it. HGH is produced in the pituitary gland, but production of the hormone decreases as you get older. This leads to the false conclusion that HGH injections will slow the aging process. There has been no conclusive evidence produced to suggest that these claims are valid. In fact, HGH injections in healthy adults may actually cause you to die sooner, as a result of its many negative effects on the body.