How to Maintain Adrenal Health
Learn to take a break. Many people today don't take a day off, but should have one day a week where they don't do any work. It does not have to be Sunday, but everyone should have one day somewhere in the week, where they turn off the cell phone and email and just rest. Also, take a vacation. Most Americans are given vacation time, but don't take it. Think of vacations as extended sabbath, take them and enjoy them.
Address nutritional deficiencies. Vitamins and minerals enable the body to properly process food. When you are deficient in nutrients it is harder (read more stressful) for the body to digest and process food. There are two major sources of good nutrients: fresh organic fruits and vegetables and a good high potency multivitamin. Nature's Way Whole Food Energizer is a great affordable multivitamin to address these potential deficiencies.
Cut the sugar and caffeine. Both of these substances tend to aggravate any potential adrenal problems that you might have. Caffeine causes the adrenal glands to produce even more cortisol, further exacerbating the problem of too much cortisol. Sugar is so nutrient deficient that it further exacerbates any nutritional deficiencies you might have, thus adding more stress to your body.
Exercise on a regular basis. Exercise teaches the body how to deal with stress. Both strength training and cardiovascular exercise are very beneficial. Every person should do a minimum of 20 minutes of exercise, six times per week. Start small, and if you have questions consult a personal trainer.
Detoxify the body. Toxins in the body cause a lot of stress on the body. The only way to remove these toxins is to do a whole body cleanse. Cleansing the colon, kidneys and liver is great for removing the toxins out of the body. The Dual-Action Cleanse is a great cleanse that works on all three of these organs at once, for a 30-day cleanse.
Listen to Dr. Leonard Coldwell's stress reducing CDs. These CDs are great for reducing stress both immediately, and over time.