Use of Cabergoline
To understand how the use of cabergoline lowers prolactin levels, it is first necessary to understand how your body produces prolactin. The process begins when a gland known as the hypothalamus releases a specialized chemical messenger known as dopamine. Once released, dopamine travels to your pituitary gland, where it binds to certain regions of the gland, known as dopamine receptors. When these receptors receive stimulation, your pituitary gland releases prolactin. Cabergoline functions by mimicking dopamine and binding to its receptors on your pituitary gland; however cabergoline does not contain the same chemical messages as dopamine. Because of this, your pituitary gland receives no stimulation and produces no prolactin. Over time, this results in a reduction of prolactin levels in your body.
Doctors prescribe cabergoline to treat sudden production of breast milk or menstrual irregularity in women as well as pituitary tumors and infertility in both men and women, as all of these conditions may be caused by excessive prolactin. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) testing of cabergoline found that after four weeks of treatment with 1 mg of the drug twice weekly, 95 percent of women experienced reductions in prolactin levels. The FDA also reports that after eight weeks of treatment, 77 percent of women experienced a return to normal menstrual cycles, while 73 percent reported an end to nipple discharge.
Cabergoline is a white tablet that is available only with a physician's prescription. Treatment typically begins with .25 mg of cabergoline dosages given twice weekly. As you continue with treatment, increases in dosages are possible. Doctors monitor prolactin levels regularly during treatment, discontinuing usage of cabergoline once levels of the hormone remain within normal levels for at least six consecutive months.
Despite its effectiveness, cabergoline presents several risks for side effects and complications in some patients. The most common side effects of the drug are headaches and nausea, occurring in 26 to 29 percent of users. Dizziness, constipation and weakness are also common, occurring in at least 6 percent of users. In rare instances, use of the drug causes stiffness and inflammation of the heart valves, creating a risk of heart failure and even death.
Although cabergoline typically does not cause harm to the fetus, physicians avoid prescribing the drug to pregnant women who have or are in danger of developing preeclampsia or pregnancy-induced hypertension. Doctors also limit the use of cabergoline in patients who have liver damage or disease, as without proper liver function, levels of the drug have the potential to build up in your body and become toxic. If you have a history of heart disease, hypertension or lung disorders, it may not be safe for you to take cabergoline due to its potential side effects.