Ways to Increase Testosterone
Men can raise their testosterone level by changing their diet. According to Dr. S. Suri (2003), a man should avoid a diet high in proteins and should avoid high levels of carbohydrates, sugar, or oil in their diet on a daily basis. Men should also avoid consuming alcohol, but if they must drink then they should do so in moderation. To increase testosterone, men should also eat peanuts, peanut butter, and olive oil. Additionally, meals should be eaten regularly and should not be skipped (Suri, 2003).
Exercise and Sexual Activity
Testosterone levels can also be increased through regular exercise. A daily exercise routine can help to shed excess pounds. Generally, the more weight you lose, the more your testosterone levels will increase. This occurs because more estrogen is produced then normal in a male who is overweight, which inhibits testosterone production. If you lose weight, estrogen levels will decrease while testosterone levels will simultaneously increase (Suri, 2003).
Dr. Suri (2003) also suggests that changes in the time of day sexual intercourse takes place can boost lowered testosterone levels as well. The doctor recommends having sexual intercourse as often as possible. Testosterone levels will increase faster, however, if one has sexual intercourse in the morning. Frequent sexual intercourse also helps to reduce weight (Suri, 2003).
The amount of stress you are under can reduce testosterone levels also. To reduce the amount of stress on the body and mind, you should avoid stressful situations when possible. If it is not possible to avoid a stressful situation, then you should find an effective way to relieve pent up stress so it will not have a negative effect on their testosterone levels. There are many ways you can relieve stress. For instance, you could attempt to engage and practice the art of meditation or participate in a leisure activity to relieve stress and avoid its unhealthy impact on your body.