Hormones & Hair Growth
Humans in the modern world use their hair as a form of expression and individualization. Many people also have personal and religious reasons for their attitudes about growing their hair. It may be possible for a person to have a maximum hair length that normally hits at waist level. Knowing the effects of hormones on hair growth may help an individual achieve a desired look quicker. It may also help correct a hair growth problem.
There are three stages to hair growth: anagen, catagen and telogen. The entire cycle normally lasts for a number of years. In the anagen phase the hair grows. This stage can last anywhere between three to seven years. The length of this cycle can change with age and season. There is then a resting phase, called catagen, which only lasts a few weeks. Then the shedding phase occurs, known as telogen, which lasts three to four months. During this time new hair replaces the old and shedding occurs.
Thyroid hormones affect the growth of hair. It is important to remember that both males and females need to maintain a healthy hormonal balance to ensure healthy hair growth. Androgens (male hormones) seem to play the biggest role in hair growth when it comes to men. Estrogen in males actually slows hair growth. An increase in androgens is responsible for the changes in hair at puberty in both sexes.
Hair Issues
An imbalance of hormones at any stage of life can affect the body's ability to grow hair. This can be caused by the hormonal changes at menopause and also by starvation and diseases that lower hormone production (such as anorexia). Hair loss may also occur after pregnancy as the body returns to normal estrogen levels. During the pregnancy, the estrogen levels lengthen the anagen phase, but the phases return to normal after pregnancy.
If hair loss or slow growth is caused by a hormonal imbalance, then correcting the underlying issue will help correct the hair issue. Hormonal therapy may be used in patients with thyroid diseases to replace lost hormones.