Characteristics of Menopause
What Is Menopause?
Menopause is the time in a woman's life when her ovaries stop producing eggs. This causes a reduction in the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Because of that, menstruation ceases. This alone is cause for some celebration. The problem though, is that the hassles of having a monthly period are replaced by equally, if not worse, occurrences.
The Two Phases of Menopause
Menopause doesn't happen all at once. Nope, it has a tendency to sneak up on a woman, in phases. The two phases of menopause are: perimenopause and post-menopause. Each phase has its own distinct characteristics and symptoms.
This is the phase that most people think of when they hear the word "menopause." Perimenopause occurs anywhere from two to eight years before your final period. It also encompasses the year after your last period. It usually begins in a woman's forties but it can happen as early as the mid-thirties. Symptoms of perimenopause include irregular periods, hot flashes, sleep disturbances and a decrease in vaginal lubrication. Perimenopause can last up to six years.
Once your monthly cycle has stopped for 12 consecutive months, you are considered to be in post-menopause. We hear the phrase "postmenopausal women" a lot in conjunction with various illnesses women at this stage of their lives are prone to. Osteoporosis, heart conditions and stroke are more common in women in post-menopause.
What To Expect During Both Stages of Menopause
Symptoms of menopause vary from woman to woman. Some women may have all of the symptoms, some may have none. Some of the symptoms may be severe or very slight, depending upon the woman. Here are some of the common symptoms of menopause:
Hot flashes are a common complaint of menopausal women. This is a sudden, overwhelming feeling that a major heatwave just rolled through the room. Hot flashes can cause moderate to heavy sweating and even chills.
Sleep disruption is usually caused by night sweats. These are just hot flashes in the middle of the night. Irregular or heavy periods will often signal the beginning of menopause and be quite uncomfortable. Vaginal dryness is a common complaint in menopausal women, making intercourse painful. Other changes you may experience include weight gain and bloating, especially in the abdomen. Scientists have found that the average woman can gain 12 to 15 lbs. during menopause.
Emotional symptoms include mood swings, irritability and anxiety.
Natural Ways to Minimize the Discomfort of Menopause
Avoid hot, spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine. Purchase extra fans for the home and place them next to the bed, computer, TV or anywhere you spend a lot of time. Wearing loose, cotton sleepwear can help minimize night sweats. Some women practice yoga to reduce their stress levels and deal with the emotional swings. Exercise is also a way of easing stress and has the added benefit of helping to control the extra pounds your body wants to put on. If you have any concerns regarding any of your menopausal symptoms, see your healthcare provider.