What to Eat With a Hormone Imbalance
Phytoestrogens are plant-produced hormones that actually resemble the estrogen produced by the body. Hormone production slows down with age, and the body reacts to this decline with menopausal symptoms. Eating a diet rich in phytoestrogens is a great way to help the body produce the hormones you need. Fill up on soy products such as tofu, soy cheese, soy milk, tempeh and meat-alternative products. Legumes, whole grains, leafy greens, seeds, garlic and fruits are also rich in phytoestrogens.
Weight gain, bloating and constipation are three of the most commonly reported symptoms of hormone imbalances. You can reduce all three by eating a diet rich in fibrous foods. Foods with fiber flush away excess water and waste from the system. They also make you feel full longer and less likely to indulge in sugar or starch binges. Enjoy meals with legumes, whole grains, fruits, broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. If you experience a lot of gas while eating these foods, take a gas-reducing over-the-counter medication such as Gas-X. Be sure to drink a lot of water to keep these foods from dehydrating you.
Foods to Avoid
There are some foods that exacerbate hormone imbalance symptoms. Hot flashes can be brought on by hot beverages, spicy foods, caffeine and soups. Alcohol, caffeine and sugar makes the blood more acidic, which can lead to bone loss and osteoporosis. There are hormones in the meat of dairy products. Animals raised for consumption or to produce milk are often given hormones to make them grow faster. These hormones can negatively affect the body. Refrain from eating these products or stick to meat that has been organically raised without hormone injections. To be sure you aren't eating these hormones, stick to a diet of fish, shellfish, vegetables, whole grains and fruits. You will find that following a diet that promotes your body's ability to make its own hormones will greatly help your symptoms.